Heloo! I've been working on adding stuff to the site but I've been so tired TT Going to work always makes me sleepy~ Not to mention figuring out how to make things work gets real tiring..
This reminds me, I did a preorder for some items on the Animate JP shop that were supposed to release this month but given i still have my money it looks like they haven't released yet. I also preordered the Spiderman 2099 figure and I wonder when they'll finally ship mine..though I only ever paid the non-refundable deposit and I haven't paid in full. Maybe I should pay in full and see if that works? Anyways, I'm tryna brainstorm some cool trinkets for the desk- I know I wanted to add some smiskis and some figurines, thing is i have to animate them too (-_-) zzZ
IDK if anyone else feels the same but I find thinking about work makes me not want to work TT and I want to be so productive toooo.