Hello! Long time no see! Happy late new year!
Truth be told I've been busy working on other hobbies: particularly sewing. I never learned to sew and I purchased a sewing machine not too long ago and didn't use it so I've only recently decided to start sewing. The reason being: I'm now into doll-collecting! I got my first Dollfie Dream (or rather mini Dolfie Dream) doll for quite the price and I thought it would be good to practice sewing by making clothes for her(her name is Louise (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)). I'm making a dress at the moment, I learned how to gather stitch and while I find making skirts quite simple in nature- I've been having trouble making shirts. Today I finally made the shirt pattern that will act as a base so I essentially made 2 copies- one that is a test fabric and one that will be the real dress I'll use for my doll. That way I can test how I'll go about doing things. I've also realised while I have an abundance of fabric, I don't really have any sort of trimmings or decorative stuff. So I purchased some lace and trimmings from Aliexpress and expect to recieve them sometime this week or next. I normally don't have to wait more than two weeks when I order from Aliexpress so I'm not too worried. Wish me luck!
In other news I've also gotten into Resident Evil! I'm not a big horror fan- not in the least. Truth be told, I can't STAND horror. I get scared too easily. But unfortunately a few Chris Redfield edits on TikTok convinced me that I should try it out. Actually it was because I couldn't find any good fanfiction on AO3 and thought I'd write my own but since I'm not actually familar with any part of Resident Evil aside from its characters, I had to make the decision to spend roughly $15 dollars when some of the games were on sale and purchased the REmake, RE 0, and finally RE2 Remake. I will write some of my thoughts below of the REmake as I finished the game as both Jill and Chris and don't see myself playing it again for a bit(and when I do, it'll be for a sub 5 hour run).
My short review of REmake:
It's great! I particularly think it looks spectacular graphics wise. Playing as Jill on Easy I thought this game was generally straight forward to play though some puzzles I had to use a guide for. I did find myself getting jumpscared a bit- this game is a BIG fan of having enemies barge in if you do something significant gameplay-wise. But I found the gameplay to be fair (aside from dealing with Hunters) and the story to be good. It is the first game in the series after all- so the plot really sets in motion everything we're familar with today. I found my first playthough to be enjoyable and I was happy with my experience. Then I began my second playthrough with Chris on Normal- my goal: Sub 8 hour run. Now that I understood the game a lot more and knew which goals to go for step by step- I found my 2nd playthrough to be much easier. However I messed up after you leave the mansion as I quickly forgot what to do and found myself backtracking a bit. So unfortunately I couldn't get a 5 hour run. That being said, I did get 7 hours this time! I'm pretty proud since my 1st run was I think 13 or 18 hours(Big difference I know)? But yeah. Overall I would recommend this game if you're starting out with the series. Though it does use the fixed angle perspective I think it uses it well and it does not become a bother or something that really messes with your gameplay. I cannot say the same for RE0 however. As you can tell by that sentence, I am not having a good time. However I'm not finished with the game yet(I'm only halfway through) so until I beat it I won't be *offically* reviewing it.
I do wanna give an update for the website side of things- and that is I'm still in the process of trying to update the looks of my blog. 2.0 as they say. I haven't been very motivated to work on it however as I have to design all the assets but just know that it'll be out when it's ready!
Anyways I will catch you on the flipside! Next time you see me write it'll be my review of RE0 and the start of RE2! (*^-^*)