hey hey~ I finally finished Resident Evil 0 today. I was actually quite surprised once I realised I was already almost done with the game- I felt personally there was no buildup towards the end so when I had checked the map I saw I only had like 2 more rooms to go I was like, "Oh, that's it." I decided now it is time to tell you what I personally thought about the game. In short terms, it is not that great. But let's talk about the pros first:
Soundtrack: The soundtrack is great! I'm especially fond of the save room music. I also thought the sound effects were great as well.
Voice acting: Call it cheesy but I thought the voice acting wasn't bad actually! I think my main problem would be the dialogue(we'll get to that later..) but the voice acting was good though I particularly thought that *mystery man* had a lot of fun voicing his lines.
Graphics: The graphics are beautiful. I find that this game looks even better than the REmake personally.
Buddies: I found myself actually liking Billy and Rebecca's friendship. By the end I thought it was bittersweet saying their goodbyes even though when I think about it- not a whole lot was answered.
Now let's talk about the bad. Which I have quite a bit to talk about.
Dialogue: The dialogue in this game is not great. I think most of it is serviceable but there's that one line that really made me wonder: Rebecca says, "Did you really kill 23 people? I won't judge you." I incline you to just..take that in. Because that line took me straight out. And it should give you an idea on how the rest of this game works. Fun fact! Rebecca never does get that answered.
Gameplay: Playing this game feels incredibly inconvenient. The puzzles range from confusing(I'm looking at you crate puzzle!) to downright annoying. You can tell the piano room only exists to force the use of the buddy system which honestly never made any sense to me. As other people would say, your partner practically acts as an expanded inventory system since item boxes don't exist anymore. You can also leave items on the ground which is fine and all if you're stuck in the same map but once you start going to other areas you're forced to backtrack to get any items you left behind. While I did not have to do this for most of the game, I did end up having to do it round the end of the game to stock up on magnum ammo which I never picked up in the 2nd area of the game. I thought enemies were annoying to deal with as you're stuck in tight spaces with no real way to avoid them so you either take the hit, or you shoot. And it's made even worse by the camera angles as they're placed in incredibly awkward positions so I end up moving awkwardly a lot more than I should. I never had to deal with this with the REmake. I also think there's a lot less health items in general?